Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy 2013, and we're back to blogging!!

Friday, June 29, 2012


Lots has been happening here in the past month or so, and the blog is in need of some updating. I would have shared all of our news sooner, but I once heard something bad about about counting your chickens before they hatch. So here's the news (in no particular order):

-Chris got a job! He'll be working as the GIS tech for the City of Radford, starting Monday. Today is his last day at VT.

-I got a job! As an Interior Designer! I start on Tuesday.

-I passed my citizenship interview, and will be sworn in as a citizen of the USA soon.

-We moved to Radford! About 20 minutes from Blacksburg. It was sad to leave our little downtown apartment, but we are now in a little house with a little more space... and a parking spot.

Check plus!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Cool Evenings

Make for great bike riding.


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Camping in Film

Some more photos from Austin and Mariko's visit in May. We went camping and fishing at Claytor Lake. We caught a few moments from the trip with the Holga on B&W film.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Color College Ave.

Thanks for coming all the way to visit us, Austin, Mariko, and Harrison! It was a blast.

Little Leo

We found this little guy, abandoned and crying, next to the road on Monday evening. We couldn't find his momma so he came home with us. We set him up in our bathtub for the night and bottle fed him kitten formula (since he's only 1-2 weeks old.) He's so tiny, and fragile but seems to be doing ok so far. And he already has a foster home, lucky guy!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Two Graduates

Taken with the holga:

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Where we live

A silly video that Chris and I made for the silliest college class I've ever taken.

Music by Empire Of the Sun

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Some highlights from our trip to Utah/Idaho in April:

Erin and Cole's wedding (Congrats!) and a hike to Ensign Peak in Salt Lake City

Not Pictured: meeting up with Nicole in Rexburg, Chris and his Dad carrying a canoe several blocks in dress clothes, the ridiculous amount of shopping venues in Salt Lake City, going swimming in every hotel pool that we could, air turbulence on the way home, motion sickness for days, and a very fancy rental car.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Saturday Bike Ride

This Saturday we went on the NRV trail, again. This time on a different section. We didn't go to far, because the wet gravel was tough to ride on, but it sure was nice to go on a little adventure with Chris.

Notice something new? Yeah, Chris got a new bike...
Who's surprised?

Monday, February 27, 2012

An update in pictures

Feeding ducks on a Sunday afternoon, a short-lived snow storm last weekend, lucy watching tv with us

We are having the strangest winter this year. Last weekend we got 6 inches of snow. Today, barely a week later its sunny and 60 degrees out. What's up with that?

This week we are looking forward to-
Chris getting a new bike frame delivered tomorrow
A small relief from school work after a very busy and stressful end to a project
Chris's parents visiting us this weekend
Spring break next week (already?)
Seeing a movie at the lyric
Leap day- hooray!

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Lucy is our new kitten!
We brought her home on Wednesday and love having her in our little home!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Furniture + Mini Tour

I've decided to do a mini tour of our living room, mostly to show off two Christmas gifts that Chris gave me. Here it is!

typical college futon from target, coffee table from thrift store, eames rocker from Chris

Gift #1- Eames replica rocking chair. My big Christmas gift this year. Inspired by ice cube.

view from the bedroom- table is from ikea (gift from Chris's parents) and the chairs were old student desks that we found by a dumpster and chopped off the tablet arms

Gift #2- a mid-century style sideboard/ media console. Chris and his dad built it while we were in Kentucky. The picture is blurry, but the sideboard is awesome!

camera collection + basil

Thanks Chris, for making our living room more classy! Merry festivus!

Monday, January 2, 2012


Happy New Year!
We hope 2012 is your best year yet!