Friday, June 29, 2012


Lots has been happening here in the past month or so, and the blog is in need of some updating. I would have shared all of our news sooner, but I once heard something bad about about counting your chickens before they hatch. So here's the news (in no particular order):

-Chris got a job! He'll be working as the GIS tech for the City of Radford, starting Monday. Today is his last day at VT.

-I got a job! As an Interior Designer! I start on Tuesday.

-I passed my citizenship interview, and will be sworn in as a citizen of the USA soon.

-We moved to Radford! About 20 minutes from Blacksburg. It was sad to leave our little downtown apartment, but we are now in a little house with a little more space... and a parking spot.

Check plus!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Cool Evenings

Make for great bike riding.


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Camping in Film

Some more photos from Austin and Mariko's visit in May. We went camping and fishing at Claytor Lake. We caught a few moments from the trip with the Holga on B&W film.