Sunday, July 18, 2010

A trip to NOVA where bad drivers roam free.

This last weekend I went up to visit Natalie and her family, I started out driving around 8am and had to stop around... 8:45 to take a nap in a gas station parking lot! Other than that I drove straight there. We started off the weekend right by taking a bike ride to old town Manassas where we looked at all of the random little shops they had to offer, including one that had a big chalk board you could draw own. Bikes were drawn. We then went to the Washington D.C temple to walk around the visitors center and the temple grounds a place that we like to go, also a place that means allot to our faith. The next day we went to a cup cake store! which was amazingly pink... Noted by Bro. Brayley. There were some awesome flavors to sample natalie was the most daring getting peach basil flavored. After that we went to a group bonfire filled with people from BYU... leaving only Natalie and I to rep Virginia Tech. On sunday Natalie had to give a talk in church so I got to listen to her!! Then we hung out with her family and played some games. It was a very successful weekend.

- Until next time


Unknown said...

You guys are too cute! The cupcakes look good. I think Natalie should make some with Nutella and ganache!


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